Chief Minister Manohar Lal's Address in Nuuh: Honoring Sacrifice and Promoting Development


Chief Minister Manohar Lal participated in the Martyrdom Day of Shaheed Raja Hasan Khan Mevati, held in Nuuh, under the Sant Mahapurush Samman and Vichar Prasar Yojana. He paid tribute to the sacrifice made by Shaheed Raja Hasan Khan Mevati.

In line with the vision to enhance the development and standard of living in the ambitious district of Nuuh, various projects related to education, infrastructure, healthcare, and sports were inaugurated or announced on this occasion.

Chief Minister emphasized the principle of "One Haryana, One Haryanvi" without any discrimination, highlighting the commitment of the government towards serving all sections of society. 

The overarching goal of the government is to ensure the prosperity of every district in Haryana and encourage every Haryanvi to contribute towards the development of the nation. This statement underscores the broader vision of aligning state-level efforts with national development objectives.

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