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HomeOccasionCelebratingHappy Children's Day: A Day for Fun and Frolic! 

Happy Children’s Day: A Day for Fun and Frolic! 

Last updated on August 25th, 2023 at 04:59 pm

Children’s day is celebrated all over India on November 14th every year. The day is dedicated to the children of India and is a day for fun and frolic. The day is celebrated with great pomp and show in schools, where various competitions, cultural programs, and fun activities are organized for the students. 

1) What is the history of Happy Children’s Day?

The rights, education, and welfare of children have raised awareness about Children’s Day across India. It is celebrated every year on 14 November, which is the birthday of the First Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He was known to have been fond of children.

Initially, the Universal Children’s Day declared by the United Nations was celebrated on November 20 in India. A resolution was passed in the Indian Parliament in 1964, after Jawaharlal Nehru’s demise, declaring November 14 as Children’s Day to honor the legacy of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Contrary to popular belief, the day is not a gazetted holiday but children are encouraged to go to school and participate in the celebrations of this day. This day is marked with special assemblies and functions in schools and educational institutions.

Activities such as quizzes, cultural events, plays, and fancy dress competitions are held to increase participation and awareness of the country’s rich history and the eminent personalities who were a part of it.

Children are often given details about the life of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who believed them to be the greatest assets for the nation, including the freedom struggle and what followed it. ”

“The children of today will make the world a better place tomorrow.” “Bringing them up” refers to raising children” He had once said.

2) How Children’s Day is celebrated in India?

Children’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of November in India. It is a day when children are honored and celebrated. This day, various programs are organized in schools and other institutions to celebrate the day. Children are also given presents and goodies. The day is also marked by various competitions in schools such as essay writing, drawing, singing, etc. 

3) What are some fun activities to do on  Children’s Day?

Children’s Day is a special day to celebrate childhood and all the joys that come with it. There are many fun activities that you can do with your children on this day. some ideas are as follows:

-Have a picnic: Pack up some of your child’s favorite foods and head to the park for a picnic lunch. This is a great opportunity to spend some quality time together outdoors.

-Go to the zoo: Children love animals, so spending a day at the zoo is sure to be a hit. This is also a great chance to teach your child about different species and their habitats.

-Visit a museum: There are many kid-friendly museums out there that are both educational and fun.

-Make some art: Whether it’s painting, sculpture, or simply drawing, children love to create. Spend some time making art together and see what masterpieces you can come up with.

-Tell stories: Children love stories, so gather around and share some of your favorites with them. You can even make up your own stories starring your child as the hero or heroine. 

4) Why is Children’s Day important?

There are many holidays throughout the year, but few are as special as Children’s Day. This holiday is set aside to celebrate and appreciate the children in our lives. It is a day for families to come together and enjoy time spent with the little ones.

There are many reasons why Children’s Day is so important. For one, it helps children feel appreciated and special. It is also a day for families to bond and create memories. Additionally, Children’s Day helps to promote healthy development in children.

Overall, Children’s Day is a special day that celebrates the joys of childhood. It is a day that is sure to bring happiness to both children and adults.

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