Parineeti Chopra, the Bollywood actress who tied the knot with Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha in September, continues to make headlines. Following her wedding, Parineeti recently shared unseen photos from her pre-wedding function, offering her fans a peek into her joyful moments. However, this gesture has brought both love and criticism from the online world.
Shares the Pre-Wedding Moments
Parineeti Chopra took to her Instagram account today Thursday, where she unveiled a series of enchanting pre-wedding photos. These images have been quick to capture the attention of her ardent fans and the media.
Decorated in Kalire
In one of the photographs, Parineeti can be seen sporting Kalire in her hands, an essential element of Punjabi wedding traditions. These Kalire have a unique touch, bearing the initials “P” and “R,” symbolizing the union of Parineeti and Raghav.
Radiant and Joyful
Parineeti’s pre-wedding pictures reveal her exuberant happiness during this special time. Her radiant smile and candid poses reflect the joy she experienced leading up to her wedding.
As with any public figure’s social media posts, Parineeti’s pre-wedding photos have received both adoration and criticism. Her fans have flooded her comments section with love and well-wishes, celebrating her moments of bliss.
The Wedding Album
Before the pre-wedding pictures, Parineeti Chopra had shared glimpses of her wedding day, evoking a similar outpouring of affection from her admirers. As she transitions into this new chapter of her life, her fans eagerly anticipate more snippets of her married life to share in her happiness.