Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra recently celebrated her 35th birthday, and her husband and Member of Parliament, Raghav Chadha, marked the occasion with a heartwarming and romantic gesture. Raghav Chadha shared a series of previously unseen pictures of the couple spending quality time together, making their fans swoon over their love story. Along with the pictures, he penned a heartfelt birthday note for his beloved wife.
Romantic Moments Captured
The shared pictures offer a glimpse into the couple’s dating period, revealing intimate moments that they cherished. Raghav Chadha’s tribute on Parineeti’s birthday rekindles memories of their beautiful journey together.
Quality Time Together
One of the images captures the couple spending quality time together, showcasing their strong bond and affection for each other. These heartwarming moments quickly went viral, resonating with fans who admire the couple’s love story.
A Proposal Remembered
A picture featuring Parineeti Chopra flaunting her engagement ring hints at the moment Raghav Chadha proposed to her in a restaurant. This sweet reminder of their engagement brought smiles to their admirers’ faces.
Best Friends in Love
Another picture transports us to the streets of London, where Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha posed like best friends in love. The candid shot reflects their shared laughter and companionship during their time in the vibrant city.
An Outpouring of Love
Throughout his heartfelt post, Raghav Chadha showered Parineeti Chopra with words of love and appreciation. He conveyed how her presence has added immense happiness to his life, making it clear that he cherishes every moment with her.
Celebrating One Month of Marriage
The couple tied the knot on September 24, and it has been just over a month since their beautiful wedding. Their love story continues to capture the hearts of fans, and their recent celebration is a testament to their enduring romance.
Raghav Chadha’s romantic birthday wishes for Parineeti Chopra have given us a delightful glimpse into their love story. These unseen moments from their journey together, paired with heartfelt messages, demonstrate the deep bond and affection they share. As they celebrate their first month of marriage, their fans eagerly await more beautiful moments and memories from this much-adored couple.