Union Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari recently inaugurated the fifth edition of ‘Ayodhya Parv’, an event aimed at promoting the significance, culture, and heritage of Ayodhya Dham to a global audience. As a part of the program, Shri Gadkari also inaugurated Sita Rasoi, which is expected to become a major tourist attraction in the city. The event witnessed a wide range of cultural performances and exhibitions, showcasing the rich history and traditions of Ayodhya. The initiative is expected to promote tourism and generate employment opportunities for the local community.
- Ayodhya Parv is an annual cultural program aimed at promoting the rich heritage and culture of Ayodhya to the world. This year marks the fifth edition of the event.
- Union Minister Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the program and also inaugurated Sita Rasoi, a facility that will provide food to devotees visiting Ayodhya.
- The Ayodhya Parv will showcase various aspects of Ayodhya’s culture, including its music, dance, cuisine, and handicrafts.
- The event is expected to attract a large number of tourists and devotees from across the country and will help in promoting Ayodhya as a major cultural and religious destination.