Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal tied the knot in a dreamy wedding ceremony in 2021. As the couple celebrates their 4th wedding anniversary on January 24, 2025, Varun shared a heartwarming tribute to his wife on social media. To mark the occasion, he made a promise to Natasha and shared glimpses from their special moments together.
Capturing the Moments: Old Pictures Shared
In his anniversary post, Varun Dhawan took to Instagram to share a series of beautiful pictures from past vacations with Natasha. The first photograph shows them sitting together on a cruise, with their pet dog Joey perched on Varun’s lap. Varun is dressed in a beige hoodie, while Natasha looks effortlessly chic in a floral white dress, her hair flying in the breeze.
The second picture is set on a beach, where Varun is seen shirtless, holding a surfboard, while Natasha looks radiant in a bikini beside him. The final picture from the collection captures an intimate moment at a scenic location, where the couple shares a kiss, with Varun lovingly caressing Natasha’s baby bump.
A Heartfelt Promise to Natasha
In the caption, Varun affectionately referred to Natasha as his “ride or die.” He made a sweet promise, saying, “I promise to take u on a holiday next anniversary,” followed by a saluting face emoji and a red heart. His words and the pictures perfectly encapsulated their deep bond and the love they continue to share.
A Love That Grows Stronger
As Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal celebrate four wonderful years of marriage, their connection only seems to grow stronger. Fans and well-wishers have showered the couple with love, as they look forward to more anniversaries and beautiful memories together.