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HomeBusinessAnand Mahindra Reacts: US Vlogger Impressed by Indore Cleanliness

Anand Mahindra Reacts: US Vlogger Impressed by Indore Cleanliness

Anand Mahindra: Indore, renowned as India’s cleanest city for seven consecutive years, continues to draw admiration for its exemplary waste management practices and commitment to cleanliness. Recently, a video shared by Anand Mahindra, featuring US travel vlogger Max McFarlin, showcased the city’s impressive cleanliness culture, earning praise from across the globe.

In the video, Max McFarlin highlighted a roadside eatery in Indore, emphasizing the simple yet effective measures undertaken to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. From separate bins for used steel plates to a small basin for handwashing, the vlogger commended the city’s attention to detail. He also lauded the locals for their conscientiousness, observing how individuals promptly cleaned up after accidental spills, reflecting a collective commitment to cleanliness.

Expressing his admiration, Anand Mahindra shared the video on social media, envisioning the potential impact of Indore’s cleanliness culture nationwide. “Cannot help dreaming: If this were to be replicated throughout the country…,” he remarked, underscoring the transformative potential of such initiatives.

Indore’s commitment to cleanliness is further evidenced by its substantial investment in waste management, with an annual expenditure of ₹200 crore. The city’s fleet of 850 vehicles diligently traverses its streets daily, collecting significant quantities of wet, dry, and plastic waste, as explained by an official.

The video’s widespread circulation elicited a flurry of positive responses, with many praising Indore’s culture and its residents’ dedication to cleanliness. “Cleanliness and order are among the essential requirements of human beings,” remarked one user, highlighting the significance of such initiatives. Another commenter echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the transformative impact that widespread adoption of Indore’s cleanliness practices could have on India’s urban landscape.

As Indore continues to set the benchmark for cleanliness in India, its success serves as a beacon of inspiration for other cities, reaffirming the importance of collective efforts in fostering a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment.

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