Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty graced the ramp as the showstopper for renowned fashion designer Anamika Khanna during India Couture Week 2023. The event was a glamorous affair, and Athiya’s presence added an extra dose of charm to the showcase.
Elegant Ensemble Steals the Show
Athiya Shetty looked ethereal in a breathtaking embroidered backless gown adorned with delicate floral accents. The intricately designed ensemble accentuated her grace and elegance, making her the center of attention. Her sleek updo hairstyle complemented the outfit perfectly, adding to her radiant appearance.
KL Rahul’s Admiring Post
As pictures from Athiya’s showstopping ramp walk flooded the internet, her cricketer-husband KL Rahul couldn’t contain his admiration. Taking to his social media handle, he posted a heartfelt message saying, “My stunning wife,” accompanied by a white heart emoji. The endearing post instantly melted the hearts of their fans and became the talk of the town.
Athiya Shetty’s Presence at India Couture Week
Athiya Shetty’s appearance as the showstopper at India Couture Week 2023 was a major highlight of the event. Her poise and confidence on the ramp captivated the audience and left everyone in awe of her beauty.
India Couture Week 2023 was undoubtedly a grand affair, with top-notch designers, celebrities, and fashion enthusiasts coming together to celebrate the magic of couture. Athiya Shetty’s showstopping moment on the ramp added glamour and allure to the already splendid event.