A catastrophic event unfolded as the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed into the ocean, plunging a pothole repair crew into perilous waters. The bridge, devoid of any vehicular traffic at the time, saw the heroic intervention of police officers who responded swiftly to the crisis.
It has been confirmed that the only individuals present on the bridge when it collapsed were the eight workers comprising the pothole repair crew. Reports indicate that the workers were on a meal break when a cargo ship collided with the bridge, leading to its collapse.
The impact of the collision sent the eight workers plummeting off the 185-foot structure into the frigid waters below. While two workers were successfully rescued, one required hospitalization, while another opted to refuse treatment, displaying remarkable resilience in the face of adversity.
“He brushed off his clothes and expressed his longing to be reunited with his family. Although shaken, his injuries were minor. I guess the good lord was on his side,” remarked a first responder, reflecting on the survivor’s fortitude amidst the chaos.
Tragically, six workers remain missing, presumed dead, as search and rescue efforts continue in the aftermath of the bridge collapse. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the inherent risks associated with infrastructure maintenance and repair work, shedding light on the sacrifices made by those who ensure the safety and functionality of critical transportation arteries.