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HomeBharat NewsUnion Minister Scindia Mourns the Demise of Pandit Gopal Dubey

Union Minister Scindia Mourns the Demise of Pandit Gopal Dubey

In a heartfelt tribute, Union Minister for Civil Aviation & Steel, Jyotiraditya M. Scindia, expressed profound sadness over the demise of Pandit Gopal Dubey, the esteemed Mahant of the renowned Manshapurna Hanuman Temple situated in Gwalior.

“Very sad news has been received about the demise of Pandit Gopal Dubey Ji, the respected Mahant of the famous Manshapurna Hanuman Temple located in Gwalior,” stated Minister Scindia, reflecting on the loss of a revered spiritual leader who held a special place in the hearts of many devotees.

Offering prayers for the departed soul, Minister Scindia remarked, “It is a prayer to God to grant this divine soul a place in Vaikuntha Lok and give strength to his family to overcome this sorrow. Om peace.”

The Manshapurna Hanuman Temple, under the stewardship of Pandit Gopal Dubey, served as a spiritual sanctuary and a beacon of faith for countless devotees who sought solace, guidance, and blessings. His passing leaves a void not only in the religious landscape of Gwalior but also in the hearts of those who revered him.

As Minister Scindia extends his condolences to the family, friends, and followers of Pandit Gopal Dubey Ji, his words echo the collective grief felt by the community. He underscores the importance of remembering and honoring the contributions of spiritual leaders like Pandit Gopal Dubey Ji, whose presence enriched the lives of many.

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